Florence Nightingale

(For English: see below. The above featured image is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Nightingale)

Fra Sue Young Histories – Biographies of Homeopaths

Ett av sitatene fra denne biografien om Florence Nightingale, er følgende (oversatt fra den engelske teksten):

Homeopati har introdusert en essensiell lindring i amatør-kvinners fysiske praktisering: Homeopatiens lovmessigheter er utmerkede, og de fysiske kvalitetene relativt sett harmløse  – “globulen” (homeopati-pillen) er det kornet av “dårskap” som ser ut til å være nødvendig for å gjøre hvilken som helst god ting akseptabel. Så, om kvinner skal gi medisin, la dem gi homeopatiske medisiner. Det vil ikke gjøre skade.

Og, Hippokrates’ ed sier jo nettopp: “First do no harm” – så, da velger jeg å forlenge Florence Nightingale sine ord med: Først, gi homeopati!


Historien om Florence Nightingale

Jeg fant “Historien om Florence Nightingale” i bokhyllen min: denne fikk jeg som barn. At jeg så skulle ramle over biografien om Florence relatert til homeopati, når jeg nettopp hadde lest den beundringsverdige livshistorien hennes om igjen, var oppløftende!


From Sue Young Histories – Biographies of Homeopaths

One of the quotes included in this biography about Florence Nightingale, is as follows:

Homeopathy has introduced one essential amelioration in the practice of physic by amateur females: for its rules are excellent, its physicking comparatively harmless – the “globule” is the one grain of folly which appears to be necessary to make any good thing acceptable. Let then women, if they will give medicine, give homeopathic medicine. It won’t do any harm.

And, the Hippocratic Oath says exactly that: First, do no harm. So, from that I deduct the following from Florence Nightingale’s words: First, give homeopathy!

I found the “Story of Florence Nightingale” (see the above Norwegian book cover) in my book shelf: I read this as a child, and decided to read it again. That I would stumble on a biography of this extraordinary woman related to homeopathy, just after finishing the book about her life story, was a true joy!