Jeremy Sherr is a well-known homeopath who runs the school Dynamis: The School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies, and – together with his wife Camilla Sherr – founded Homeopathy for Health in Africa.

21st of June, I was one of the lucky participants at one of his webinars. This one was about Argon – a newly proved remedy. Also, Jeremy talked about general characteristics of the homeopathic remedies made from the Noble Gases. In the following, I would like to share with you some of the “take-home-messages” I got from it all:

The noble gases

In his thorough investigations into the Noble Gases (e.g. high quality provings), Jeremy has concluded that all the elements in the periodic table are striving to be like the noble gases of their specific row. That is, the themes and traits that we see in remedies made from elements in the various rows, are common – and, in the noble gases at the end of the row, these are (in the healthy and non-compromised individual) fulfilled. On the flip side, when disturbances and imbalances are present in individuals needing these remedies, we see the other side of the coin: the symptoms and ailments “oppositely mirroring” the successful side of these remedies/patients.

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

Further, Jeremy shared some qualities that are common to the Noble Gases: If you run electricity through noble gases, they light up – and, when disconnected from the current, they go dark. This can be related to the two sides that we always pay attention to in homeopathy:

  • the uncompensated state of a patient, and the compensated state –
  • the dualism found in remedies, with their positive expression and their negative expression of characteristics –
  • healthily in balance with freedom of expression on all levels, and the unhealthily imbalance where the freedom from ailments is compromised –

In short, patients that need remedies made from the noble gases light up, are happy and free in their healthy states – and, are non-glowing, depressed, expressing symptoms corresponding to their affinities when “disconnected from the current”.

The noble gas Argon

Argon is the noble gas at the end of row three. Jeremy Sherr has done a double blinded proving of it as a homeopathic remedy, that you can buy for a few USD here. Revenues from your buy goes towards Homeopathy for Health in Africa.

The element Argon has 18 protons, and 22 neutrons – and, 18 electrons: it has a full house, leaving it totally satisfied on it’s own. It doesn’t need anyone or anything.

Ar is used in light bulbs. It doesn’t burn out, but remains stable even with great heat. In the proving of Ar there was:

  • the sensation “I am enclosed within a light bulb”
  • people kept remarking about the provers that they were glowing
  • light bulbs kept blowing in the house

Ar is also used as a preservative: as it doesn’t react with other substances, it can keep things from rotting.

  • E.g. the paper that the constitution is written on, is kept in Ar: which prevents oxygen from getting in.
  • If inhaled, Ar can lead to asphyxiation: oxygen can’t get into our lungs, and we could choke to death.

Argon characteristics from the proving

There were physical affinities with headaches, throat, stomach, respiration, cough, head, nose, bladder, digestion, skin, chest and sperm.


  • Vacillation between high energy and complete exhaustion
  • General dryness and desire for bathing
  • Extreme thirst
  • Desire for baby-food, warmth, comfort, bread, chocolate, milk, and an aggravation from alcohol
  • Sensation of glowing heat


  • Desire to be alone, happy to be alone
  • Calm, tranquility
  • Perfectionism
  • Being straight with the truth

Geometry of the Noble Gases

A very helpful model when considering the Nobel Gases, as Jeremy shared, is the geometry of the Materia Medica (the material and literature we have on our homepathic remedies, based on provings and clinical experience – as well as their relations to other remedies).

As Jeremy explained, there are two sides of every element of the noble gases: horisontal and vertical.

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

When aligned (vertical) everything is good: Feeling in perfect alignment, settled, aligned with the universal source, plugged into the the eternal universe – happy, energetic – each noble gas in it’s own way, corresponding to the themes of their rows (their own susceptibilities). When aligned, they know how to live, how to glow.

However, when horisontal, they are inert (noble gases and inert gases are used interchangeably, due to the noble gases chemical properties: they do not interact with other elements). They are unplugged from the universal source, which leaves them tired, lazy, disconnected, with a lack of energy. So, there is a conflict between the horisontal and vertical state of these remedy pictures: which, when noticed during a homeopathic consultation, can be helpful in determining the remedy group of noble gases.

The Geometry of Argon

When Argon is aligned and plugged in, he is glowing. There is flow: everything is perfect, free, just in time, unobstructed. There is no effort needed, it is easy, and there is no feeling of resistance. Freedom, truth, flow.

When Argon is horisontal and unplugged, however, life becomes difficult. There is discontent, disconnection, disillusion, a feeling of being trapped, and grief. He feels irritable, depressed, anxious, lazy, and stuck – with a great shadow that stands in the way of the sunny glow. Obstruction, misconnection, lost his way – being behind and slow.

Noble Gases and the Dimensions

Jeremy Sherr made the connection between the Noble Gases and the dimensions:

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

When considering the various dimensions, we can “map them” with corresponding levels of experience in the homeopathic periodic table. There are theories/explorations that demonstrate (at least) ten dimensions – which would neatly cover the seven needed for the rows of the periodic table. However, lets just consider the ones that Jeremy used in his example:

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

  1. In the first row, we have the characteristic theme of Hydrogen: soul-incarnation. Am I incarnated, or am I not? We can associate this with the “0-dimension”, the dot. At the end of the first row, the theme of the noble gas Helium revolves around the first dimension – the line: everything is up or down. Should I stay in heaven, or come down to earth? Which part of the line should I be on? The issue is one-dimensional.
  2. In the second row, many lines turn into a surface: the second dimension. The level of experience revolves around the time from fertilisation in the womb, conception, until birth – the nine months we are in our mother’s uterus. The patients needing remedies from this row have not yet become separated – they are part of a bigger whole, and are not yet fending for themselves. There are “flat and superficial” two-dimensional struggles.
  3. In the third dimension, many surfaces give us a cube – and we have depth. There is a three-dimensional experience, providing more meaning. In row three there are themes corresponding to childhood: gaining an identity of your own, and becoming independent. From the “superficial baby” to the child navigating through 3D-space.

Argon and the Third Dimension

Argon is of the 3rd dimension, encompassing height, width, and depth. Ar is upright on his own two feet, and is at the end of the 3rd row – having gone all the way until there is a perfect flow and movement (which the rest of the elements of this row is addressing in each their own ways, with an increasing ability). The world has meaning, the identity is developed, and there are (perfect) relationships with other people. The childhood is beautiful, flowing – though, when obstructed, the shadow side of Ar is revealed.

Ar has, as mentioned, the atom number of 18. In a way, this can be seen as symbolic for the independency age of 18: Which encompasses aspects that Ar may struggle with. On the flip side of being the playful and happy Peter Pan, forever a child and without a shadow, there is the growing up: Taking on responsibilities, fending for oneself, having to succumb to the decaying factor of time. Along with the ticking clock swallowed by the crocodile, follows that the preservation of eternal childhood is compromised. It is time for increasing responsibility – Ar is on the brink of entering into the themes of row 4: Marriage, mortgage, jobs, kids to look after – a new era of life.

On the one hand, Ar is at the perfect moment of youth – grown up, 18, adult, free, look good, peak of physical powers, finish school, can do what he wants. But, the anxiety of being out of depths when there is more than himself to worry about – beyond being the perfect child and having an identity – can throw Ar off balance.

Noble Gases and the 7 days of creation

Further, Jeremy described the fascinating correlation between the themes and dimensions of the 7 noble gases at the end of the 7 rows in the periodic table – and the 7 days of creation, as portrayed by the Jewish Old Testament:

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

  1. On the first day, light was created. We have He in the first row: to incarnate, or to not incarnate – one-dimensional.
  2. On the second day, water was created. Ne is in the second row: with superficial, two-dimensional experiences of being part of an entity bigger than himself – not being a separate being.
  3. Land was created on the third day – there was a separation of earth and water, with trees growing. Moving from the second dimension of flat water, to earth and mountains peaking up, while the sea is redeeming – creating height and depth. We have Ar at the end of the third row, with the themes of childhood and teens – propagation, life, identity, the beginning of sexuality (seeds, trees growing).

Looking at the periodic table, we have H in the first row – along with the theme of soul incarnation. In the second row, the elements C, N and O are part of the mix: the possibility for life/the beginning of life. Hydrogen, together with the ego-oriented oxygen (seen from the homeopathic viewpoint), are being hugged by C – the uterus encapsulating them, like the seashell of Calcarea Carbonica (the remedy made from the middle layer of the Oyster shell) protecting what is within. In the third row, we have all the elements needed for organic growth of trees and life on earth – which is also the row of the noble gas Ar.

Screenshot from Jeremy Sherr’s webinar

Argon and the 3rd day of creation

In the proving of Argon there were several provers who reported aspects revolving around trees: these can be related to the geometrical characteristics of being vertically upright and connected, when the truth comes out, vs. horisontal and inert. Also, the free flow vs. obstruction.

The appearance of trees on the 3rd day of creation, can be linked with the uprightness of an Ar-individual who is plugged into the universal source. The straight upright trees are plugged in, beyond the organic elements of row 2 that are not ready to grow upwards (superficial and flat water-surface). When upright, Ar is perfect: morally, spiritually and physically. Though, when horisontal, he is not on top of things. Provers expressed:

  • Anxiety on seeing horisontal wet wood – when horisontal, it’s in water and will decay. When it’s upright, and it’s raining, everything is fine
  • When horisontal, I just had my nose and mouth above water. When vertical, I could balance on my tail, I was rejuvenated
  • There were fallen trees in the road: Open, flowing road, vs. the obstructed road with fallen trees

Otters were appearing in the proving, too: “I was being an otter in the river – swimming along, enjoying it”. The otter is a mammal that easily travels between earth and water, which goes well with the emergence of land from the sea – with the emergence of earthly life. We can relate the otter to joyfulness, happiness and play.

Ar expresses a childlike experience of nature’s beauty. In the proving there was a lot about the seaside, which was not created until the 3rd day.

Some Concluding Aspects about Argon

The third row of the periodic table is widely considered among homeopaths to revolve around the themes of identity. From the right side of the row, not having developed their own identity yet – towards the left side of the row, having a clear identity apart from others.

The right-most column of the periodic table, is considered the column of transition between rows. Ar is at the end of row 3, at the transition to the 4th row.

These aspects I have understood and studied quite thoroughly already: However, the deeper understanding of noble gases that Jeremy Sherr shared in his webinar – relating the elements to various models and theories – I found a great aid in understanding the noble gases as a remedy group; and, in establishing the noble gases as the “perfect representations” of what the other elements of the corresponding rows are striving for.

Argon, I had limited knowledge about before the webinar. Now I know it as a remedy representing the perfect childhood – the child that doesn’t have to grow up; but is carefree, happy, playful and glowing. Though, when off balance, Ar struggles with the downside of having his glowing alignment being obstructed – by the responsibilities of grown-up life, and interference of carefree-ness. The desire for play, feeling of timelessness, being wrapped in a fuzzy baby-blanket and snuggled up in the mother’s arms, having perfect relationships – is contrasted with the ticking of time towards adulthood and transition.

I am looking forward to reading Jeremy Sherr’s book about Argon, when it comes out in August (2018).